Thursday, December 23, 2010

NEWS : @ USA Cricket
     - The special answers (2) for The upset stakeholder of US Cricket


US cricket stakeholders,

I will take this as an opportunity to answer the questions an unhappy stakeholder ( TELL what you are saying! ) asked me. TELL what you are saying! has a fever now! To summarize, TELL got to get a health check up done and make sure he is back to school for getting educated in communications skills, accepting constructive criticism,  answer questions responsibly instead of questions for questions and patience to whats there to read.

  1. Why do some much typing but never say anything? - You need a school class for comprehension!
  2. How do lack of skill in English turn their comments into smoke? - It is not about one's English, but about one's communication skills.
  3. What to do to always be quick criticise others for not KNOW what they are talking! but no one can figure what YOU are talking! ? - Arthur Robinson  said "No one so thoroughly appreciates the value of constructive criticism as the one who is giving it"
  4. When can someone who has no answers make a blog that just asks more questions? - There are two type of questions that every stakeholder needs to ask 1) with a definite answer 2) with no answer
  5. Where do we see the same thing typed over and over until we want to puke? - When see the same typed over again, it means you have updates or have missed seeing something important!

KNOW what you are talking!
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Questions that came up!

Why some do much typing but never say anything?
TELL what you are saying!
How do lack of skill in English turn their comments into smoke?
TELL what you are saying!
What to do to always be quick criticise others for not KNOW what they are talking! but no one can figure what YOU are talking!
TELL what you are saying!
When can someone who has no answers make a blog that just asks more questions?
TELL what you are saying!
Where do we see the same thing typed over and over until we want to puke?
TELL what you are saying!

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